Saturday, March 26, 2011


Hello readers (friends, family, and others...),

I've been musing the idea of getting some more photographs...they would be the catalyst to a sleeker website. I'm attaching 4 shots my friend Jake shot casually on the beach as well as two inspiration boards with existing comments.



Jordan is one of my favorite photographers. I took a risk and asked him a simple question on his fan page. "How should one plan/prepare for a dance shoot?" BOOM
A great guy, too?!

"you're a classic beauty, tasteful and passionate - I'd say your photos should be all those things, not too much going on, just you and a camera and some honest moments, some pure and bright colors, set to Spring, hopeful...I like the black and white, the classic look, I would just be clear about whether you want to do a shoot 'in the style of' or if you're just going for this feel...the essence alone could be there with just a modern suit or maybe do some in color, fun movement, black and white with just a splash of something bright, with or without props (I attached a simple white staircase) But I love the idea." -Ms. Grace Rex

(What shots do I need to represent ME? Describe with adjectives!)

Methodolody and the Ideal Process

As I work through a rehearsal process right now, and contemplate what I want to do in this industry...I started jotting down the "ideal process" for me. (This is not affiliated with my current show--I very much respect my Director.)

I'm hopeful I will eventually find opportunities to direct/choreograph, though they are not priorities right now....this is merely me delving into the future possibilities and composing my thoughts.

I remember in college, Karen Kessler made us define a methodology as actors. So here is my "defined" methodology as Director/Choreographer/Producer/who knows...

    • Create well defined breakdowns
    • Get creative team and casting director on the same page
    • Hire passionate and grounded Actors
    • Host brief introductions from cast and creatives
    • Initiate Tablework 
      • Address the world of the play (conventions/realities/theatricalities)
      • Address the characters, environment, and relationships
      • Address questions 
      • DISCUSS as a company
    • Trust the cast to get off book
    • Allow production team to gain momentum
    • Prepare blocking/choreography
    • LISTEN (ALL)
      • Allow influence to direction/choreography
    • Answer questions
    • Prepare schedule
    • Stagger calls and split rehearsals
    • Work (Director/Choreographer/Musical Director/Cast) together to synergize elements
    • Repeat, Notice, Solve, etc.
    • LISTEN (ALL)
    • Allow things to happen/change
    • Give the production team the show
    • Invite colleagues and mentors for additional feedback?
  • TECH
    • Remember what the "process" is like for everyone and encourage patience, respect and light-heartedness, while maintaining focus and productivity.
    • Give the actors and stage manager the show
    • Thank everyone for their efforts
This is a blog....which is great. I can return to this, share it, get feedback, modify, etc.

The fact of the matter is that every show/experience is different and calls for a different approach. This methodology needs to be fluid and flexible...but I think it's always good to be prepared and specific, no? ;)

Wishing you all wellness and happiness,


Saturday, March 12, 2011

To be continued...

Hey all! If you ACTUALLY read this blog...I apologize. ;)

I've been busy getting my life set up in NY (new apartment, finding my groove with employment and income, AUDITIONING, and studying) and currently in FL doing THE DROWSY CHAPERONE.

I won't go on and on...because if you want to know more, ask.

I will say publicly (again) that I owe my recent success (2 bookings, multiple callbacks, blah, blah, blah) to my voice teacher Susan Eichhorn-Young and coach Jen Waldman. If you want to know more about these wonderful teachers, ask.

In the meantime, find me here or here.
